Some Great & Creative Minds (Awesome Question/Answers )

Here are answers given by some creative peoples :-
Question.1. How you can drop a egg on hard floor of concrete without breaking it ?
Ans. It is very hard to cr@ck a concrete floor! (UPSC Topper)
Question.2. If 8 men makes a wall in 10 days then how much time would be taken by 4 men to make this ?
Ans. Simply no time because it is already built by 8 men. (UPSC Rank=23)
Question.3. If your are having 3 apples and 3 oranges in one hand and 4 oranges and 3 applesin other hand then what you have ?
Ans. Very big hands. (UPSC Rank=11)
Question.4. How you can pickup an elephent with single hand ?
Ans. There is never an elephent with one hand . (UPSC Rank =14 )
Question.5. How a man can go eight days without sleeping?
Ans. There is no problem because He sleeps at night. (UPSC IAS Rank =98)
Question.6. What will happen if you throw an red stone into a blue sea ?
Ans. Simply it will get wet and would shrink in water. (UPSC IAS Rank= 2)
Question.7.What thing looks like an half apple ?
Ans.The another half apple.(UPSC - IAS Topper)
Question.8.In which state Bay of Bengal is ?
Ans. In liquid state. (UPSC Rank=33 )
Interview said "I shall either ask you ten simple concerns(Question) or one really challenging concern.
Think well before you create up your mind!" The boy thought for a while and said, "my option is one really challenging concern."
"Well, enjoy to you, you have created your own choice! Now tell me this. "What comes first, Day or Night?"
The boy was shaken into truth as his entrance is determined by the correctness of his response, but he believed for a while and said, "It's the DAY sir!"
"How" the interview panel member requested, "Sorry sir, you guaranteed me that you will not ask me a SECOND challenging question!"
This guy was selected for IIM!
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