What to do After 12th class

I faced the same problem when i passes my 12th.My father was saying to do Polytechnic Diploma courses whereas my mother was saying to do B.S.C.But i wanted to do something what i could do easily and properly.So i go to a counselor in my city to discuss about my issue.And finally i got what i wanted and today i am very successful man and enjoying the decision which i take earlier.So like me you also must choose the best course or degree which best suits you.Here is my guide for you "What to do after 12th" :-
Getting Started -
First Reject what you don't like to do.Because rejecting is better for what you can't take well.Never battle with parents about your choice, tell them softly why you are choosing this side.Satisfaction is biggest thing so you must satisfied from the side which you are going to take.
College or Course-
A common problem faced by a student is the situation when he/she thinks whether to go with college or course ?Its a subjective decision.Simply college matter when it comes to job placement programmes like Polytech,MBA, MCA or BE.and if you are targeting for a govt. job then you must go for a distance programme or course which you can enjoy and can be handled easily.
Market Value Versus Interest-
Before choosing the course main question arises "After completing this course would i get job?"
But your interest drives your education.Career is nothing unless you don't enjoy what you are doing.Excellence can never be achieved in this way.
My brother did Diploma in ECE from a Govt. Polytechnic College And after doing he said to me "I wasted 3 important years of my adult life for seeking happiness in Engineering ".
Cost of Course: Main Factor-
Govt. And Private colleges and or institutes have always a big difference in fee of course.Most of time an institute does not have much facilities but it costs you much whereas an institute also exists which gives much more facilities for less fee.So its your duty to search a lot about colleges which are offering same courses but fees and facilities varies.
Is it Genuine (Recognised)-
In an regulated sector like education the relevance and validity of your degree matters a lot.So first check if your degree is valid or not.Always choose an institute which is recognised by Govt. or other Branded University.Because most of time it happens that you works hard for your degree and in last you came to know that you wasted all your time.
Don’t worry, be positive-
Before taking admission in any institute your score in 10+2 matters a lot.So from start studying hard and always be postive in every situation of life.
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